DATA (Dissertation, Article, and Thesis Advising)

What is DATA?
The Dissertation Article and Thesis Assistance (DATA) program is a semester-long program designed to support graduate students working on a thesis, dissertation, or article for publication. Undergraduates working on an undergraduate thesis are also welcome to apply.
When you participate in DATA, you attend weekly meetings with the same writing consultant at a time worked out between you and the DATA administrator (e.g., Tuesdays at 1 pm). Throughout the semester, you spend time each week independently developing the project, whether by researching, writing, or revising. Depending on where you’re at in your process, you may decide to use your meetings for brainstorming, feedback, accountability, or a combination of the three.
How does it work?
In your first session, sometimes called a DATA zero session, you get to know your consultant, discuss your project, and set goals based on what you’d like to achieve by the end of the semester.
In addition to setting goals, you and the consultant will work out how best to to conduct your weekly appointments, whether in person, by email, or via Zoom. You must be available to attend a minimum of 6 sessions, and you should let us know during your initial session which weeks, if any, you cannot attend.
What is expected of DATA participants?
To help you toward completion of your project, we ask that you follow these ground rules:- You agree to spend time each week independently developing the project, whether by researching, writing, or revising.
- Notify the DATA administrator if you can no longer attend at the agreed-upon time. We will work with you to try to find an alternate time, but due to high demand for this program, we cannot guarantee your continued participation in the program.
- Do not cancel DATA appointments without the assistance of the UWC. Contact us via email or phone as soon as possible in advance of the scheduled session so that we can reassign that hour to another student.
- If you miss 2 appointments without providing notice, you will lose your place in the program.
- If you cancel 2 consecutive appointments or can no longer complete a minimum of 6 total sessions, you will lose your place in the program for that semester.
- Former DATA participants may reapply for future semesters, but preference will be given to first-time applicants. Returning participants will not be guaranteed the same consultant.
- If you want to change a scheduled session type (synchronous to asynchronous, for example), you must contact the UWC at least 24 hours in advance of the session.
- While participating in DATA, you may also schedule regular UWC appointments for projects outside the scope of your DATA project. Due to the constraints of our scheduling system, you will not be able to schedule additional appointments without assistance. To schedule these appointments, you must call the UWC at (979) 458-1455.
- In the event that your consultant is unexpectedly unavailable, your session may be canceled or you may be paired with a different consultant.
Interested in joining DATA?
Apply by filling out the DATA registration form below. We will send you an email confirming your application and, as soon as we are able, pair you with a consultant. First time applicants to DATA will be given preference in this process. If the program has a waiting list when you apply, we will let you know.
The application for the spring is closed (as of 2/26). Applications submitted now will be considered for the summer semester (beginning on May 27).