CARS Instructions
Creating, Locating, or Approving a New or Recertification Proposals in CARS
- Step 1: Sign into Howdy.
- Step 2: Select Employee Tab.
- Step 3: Select the Core, W & C and ICD form located on the right side of the screen.
- Step 4: Select the green New Core, W & C or ICD Proposal button on the next screen that appears.
- Step 5: Enter the course letters in the Select Course Code drop down box, locate and click on your course.
- Step 6: Once located, select the New Core, W & C or ICD Proposal button on this screen.
- Step 7: The next screen that appears will be the proposal screen. Complete the form. If you need to continue working, select the white Save Changes button if you want to return. If you are finished, select the green Save and Start Workflow.
To Relocate Your Course
To relocate your course once started, follow Steps 1-3, above On Step 4 do the following:Type *the course 4 letters*. [Make sure to use the asterisk(*)before and after the four letters.] in the blank space left of the green Search button, then select the green Search Button.
You will go through the same steps to see the Workflow. Here, you can see who has your proposal by selecting the Preview Workflow and looking at the IN Workflow area. The green letters indicate the document has been approved and has moved forward. The orange letters indicate who currently has the proposal and is the next approver.
To Approve a Proposal
As a Department Head or College Dean, you will need to approve the proposals by doing the following:Go to: Your name will appear in the upper area on the right side under "YOUR ROLE." Go to the drop down box and scroll down to the department you are approving documents for.