In a Word
The University Writing Center series 'In a Word' aired on KAMU from 2014 to 2016. These weekly episodes offered histories, strategies, tips, and discussions related to both written and spoken communication. You can click the links below to view episode transcripts. We're also in the process of adding the audio files to this table, but the audio files available can also be accessed on our YouTube channel:
Spelling | 12/28/2016 | grammar, word, spell check, error, proofread | Automated spelling help isn’t always reliable, as anyone who’s ever been the victim of an embarrassing auto-correct will tell you. |
Talking about Writing | 12/21/2016 | revision, revising, process, edit, inspiration, ideas, productivity | Professional writers know that at some point, they need a friendly ear, someone willing to read their work and talk about it with them, helping them see it from a fresh perspective. |
Breaking the Rules | 12/14/2016 | error, correct, grammar, rule, style, usage | Even those of us who aren’t aspiring to lofty literary heights can sometimes benefit from breaking a few grammar conventions. |
Presentation Technology | 12/7/2016 | speech, slide, visuals | These days almost everyone who’s asked to give a presentation uses software like PowerPoint or Prezi to add visuals to their talk. But do those programs really make your presentation better? |
Writing Motivation | 11/30/2016 | inspiration | Sometimes you have the threat of a looming deadline to keep you energized. At other times, though, even that’s not enough. |
Latin Abbreviations | 11/23/2016 | word, diction, style, spelling, grammar, usage | We still use a number of abbreviated Latin words and phrases that sometimes cause confusion. |
Either Neither/Both And | 11/16/2016 | style, diction, word, grammar, conjunction | Conjunctions alone don't always clarify the relationship between your ideas. You might use correlative conjunctions instead. |
Writing Lists | 11/9/2016 | business, technical, style, concise, organize, punctuation | A list is one of the most simple, yet powerful structures we have for organizing information. |
Paragraph Length | 11/2/2016 | style, concise, clarity, revision, revising | We indicate a paragraph break by indenting or adding an extra line space. However we indicate it, a paragraph break is just that—a break for the reader. |
CreepyPasta | 10/26/2016 | creative writing, narrative | How have those scary stories we once told around the campfire evolved? |
Words That Used To Be Wrong | 10/12/2016 | usage, diction, word choice, vocabulary, change, error, correct | Many words used today were once considered wrong, but language changes, and some of those old "errors" are not even challenged today. |
Personal Statements | 10/5/2016 | job, application, scholarship | If you need to write a personal statement, be prepared to spend a lot of time brainstorming and revising, in order to create a document that reflects the best of who you are. |